Listed property Cumbria

Listed Property In Cumbria

For this beautiful listed property in Cumbria, we created Putty Pointed flush casement windows. This type of window is deal for any building where an outward opening, traditional casement window is required. This is a very popular style for traditional properties.

The design has been in use for over 200 years, dating back to the 19th century. All windows, which would have been constructed using timber, were designed with flush fitting sashes and this is evident in many late Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian properties.

As the name suggests, Once the flush casement window is closed it sits flush within the frame, so creating a flat surface on the outside.

Our flush casement windows can be hung on either our IPA hinge, which is like a butt hinge but of a heavier construction, or on the Grorud G9100 friction hinge. The benefit of the G9100 friction hinge is that it is a hidden hinge, and requires no casement stay. They are also fitted with an espagnolette enabling up to 3 locking points.

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flush casement timber windows for listed property from AJ&D Chapehow
winderwath timber windows listed property